The Booty Report

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Avast, matey! Helldivers 2 be comin’ at ye with a jolly threat: slay 1.5 billion foes, or ye walk the mines!


Arrr, matey! How much do I loathe those confounded mines? They be like a scallywag’s socks—never a treasure to be found, just a heap o’ trouble and backache! I'd rather kiss a kraken than trudge through those wretched depths! Aye, I say, they be cursed!

Ahoy there, matey! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about them treacherous contraptions known as mines! Aye, ye may be wonderin’, “How much do I hate mines?” Well, let me tell ye, it be a hatred so deep it be rivalin' the depths of Davy Jones' locker!

First off, these cursed holes in the ground be trickier than a two-faced mermaid! One moment ye be strollin’ along, and the next, BLAM! Ye found yerself flyin’ like a cannonball! A yer be thinkin’ ye be huntin’ for gold, but instead ye be meetin’ the grim reaper for a pint of grog!

And let’s not forget the smell! Aye, ye can smell a mine from a league away, like a fishmonger who forgot to wash his breeches! It be enough to make even a hearty buccaneer gag and flee like a landlubber at the sight of a kraken!

So, how much do I hate mines, ye ask? Well, I’d rather swim through a sea of sea urchins than set foot near one of those vile pits! So keep yer distance, me hearties, for mines be the bane of every pirate’s existence, and I’d sooner take me chances with the gallows than venture near one o’ them dreadful holes!

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