The Booty Report

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Arrr, be that the Watcher be lurkin' in X-Men '97? Fans be whisperin' it be so! Aye matey!


Arr matey, word on the high seas be that the Watcher hath been spied in the treacherous waters of X-Men '97! Keep a weather eye out me hearties, for trouble be a-brewin' in them thar comic book pages! Arrrr!

Arrr, be that the Watcher be lurkin' in X-Men '97? Fans be whisperin' it be so! Aye matey!

Arrr mateys, have ye heard the news? The Watcher has been spotted in X-Men '97! Aye, ye heard me right, the all-seeing, all-knowing being has made an appearance in the land of mutants and mayhem. And let me tell ye, it's causing quite the stir among the crew.
Some scallywags be sayin' that the Watcher be keepin' a close eye on the X-Men, makin' sure they stay out of trouble and whatnot. But others be thinkin' he be up to somethin' more mischievous, lurkin' in the shadows and plottin' who knows what.
But me hearties, let's not be forgettin' the most important question of all – what be the Watcher doin' in X-Men '97 in the first place? Be he there to offer sage advice to the mutants, or be he there to stir up trouble and cause chaos?
Only time will tell, me buckos. So grab yer grog, hoist the Jolly Roger, and set sail for X-Men '97 to see for yerselves what the Watcher be up to. Arrr!

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