The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags behind Spyro remake be joinin' forces with Xbox fer a new adventure, swabbies be hopin' fer Spyro's return!


Arrr, the yearnin' for Spyro 4 be like a fiery treasure buried deep in me chest, mateys! The anticipation be growin' stronger with each passin' day, like a cannonball ready to be fired at the next unsuspecting ship! Yarrr!

Arr matey! Me heart be aflutter with excitement at the prospect of Spyro 4! The flames of hope be a-blazin' brighter than the sun on the horizon. The thought of embarking on another high-seas adventure with that mighty dragon be fillin' me with glee!
I can already envision the swashbucklin' quests and the treasure huntin' that await us in this new installment. The thrill of soar in' through the skies and breathin' fire upon me enemies be somethin' I be yearnin' for once more.
Oh, the anticipation be killin' me, like a sword through the heart of a scallywag! I be waitin' with bated breath for any news of Spyro 4's release. The wait be torturous, akin to walkin' the plank on a stormy night.
But fear not me fellow buccaneers, for I be sure that our patience will be rewarded with a game that be more epic than the tales of Blackbeard himself! Spyro 4 be the treasure we all be seekin', and I be willin' to sail the seven seas to get me hands on it!

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