The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, Claremont be unitin' Nightcrawler, Destiny, Mystique, and Rogue for a jolly mutant family gatherin' in X-Men #700!


Avast ye scallywags! Set yer sights on X-Men #700, the grand finale of the Krakoa era. Written by the great Chris Claremont and other fine seafarers. Venture forth and discover the treasures within before the tide turns! Arrr!

Avast ye, me hearties! Set yer sights on X-Men #700, the grand finale of the Krakoa era, penned by none other than the legendary Chris Claremont himself. This be a tale worth its weight in gold, with more twists and turns than a mermaid's dance!
Ye'll be privy to the secrets of Krakoa like never before, as the mutants face their ultimate challenge yet. Will they emerge victorious or be left walkin' the plank? Only time will tell, me buckos!
So gather round and hoist the sails, for this be a comic worth plunderin' from the high seas. Get yer hands on X-Men #700 afore it's gone faster than a ship in a squall. Ye won't want to miss out on this swashbucklin' adventure, filled with humor, heart, and more mutant mayhem than ye can shake a cutlass at!

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