The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Enter the depths of Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector, a fine indie RPG aiming for Mass Effect glory!


Arrr mateys! Edge magazine be setting sail into the ever-changin' seas of the Starward Belt. Avast, 'tis a mighty leap they be takin'! Keep yer spyglasses trained on the horizon, ye scurvy dogs, for thar be treasures awaitin' to be uncovered! Aye, yo ho ho!

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Edge magazine be settin' sail on a grand adventure into the ever-changin' realm of the Starward Belt! The crew be talkin' to the salty dogs behind the makin' of this here game, gettin' the inside scoop on what be makin' it tick.
From the looks of it, this game be a treasure trove of excitement and danger, with new challenges around every corner. The developers be spinnin' yarns about the mysterious worlds ye can explore, the fearsome foes ye can face, and the booty ye can plunder along the way.
But beware, mateys! The seas of the Starward Belt be treacherous, and only the bravest of souls dare tread its waters. Edge magazine be takin' ye on a wild ride through this fantastical universe, showin' ye the ropes and revealin' all the secrets hidden beneath the waves.
So hoist the Jolly Roger, me hearties, and prepare to set sail on the adventure of a lifetime with Edge magazine as yer trusty guide. Arrr, it be a tale worth tellin', that's for sure!

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