The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! Avast ye! After 19 long years, the scurvy dog behind Waluigi be sharin' his secret stash of unused designs for the wicked Wapeach in Mario Tennis.


Arrr, the lass be treatin' Wario and Waluigi as her lowly swabs, makin' 'em bend to her every whim. 'Tis a sight to behold, me hearties, as they scurry about like landlubbers!

Arrr, mateys! Gather round and listen to the tale of a fierce lass who be treatin' Wario and Waluigi like her lowly minions! Aye, ye heard me right, this be a story fit for a good laugh, so hold on tight to yer peg legs and buckle up yer swashbucklin' belts!

This lass, let's call her Captain Toadette, be havin' a personality as fiery as a dragon's breath. She be bossy and full of sass, makin' poor Wario and Waluigi quake in their boots. It be like they be walkin' on eggshells around her, afraid to cross her path and feel the wrath of her mighty tongue.

Now, Wario and Waluigi may be mischievous scoundrels themselves, but when it comes to Captain Toadette, they be tippin' their hats and bowin' like humble squires. She be orderin' them about, makin' 'em do all sorts of silly tasks. Swabbin' the deck? Check. Scrubbin' her boots? Aye, that too. Even fetchin' her snacks be on their never-endin' to-do list.

But alas, me hearties, don't think Wario and Waluigi be pushovers. They be schemin' and plottin' their revenge, waitin' for the perfect moment to make Captain Toadette walk the plank. They be mutterin' under their breath, grumblin' about how they be yearnin' to be the ones givin' the orders instead.

With every command Captain Toadette be givin', Wario and Waluigi be scufflin' and grumblin'. But deep down, they be knowin' they can't escape her grasp. She be too clever and too fierce for 'em to cross. So, they be smilin' through their gritted teeth and keepin' their heads down, hopin' that one day they'll be free from her clutches.

And so, me hearties, the tale of Captain Toadette and her minions, Wario and Waluigi, be a humorous one indeed. It be a reminder that sometimes even the mischievous scoundrels can find themselves at the mercy of a feisty lass with a taste for power. But fear not, for in the vast sea of life, there always be a chance for the tables to turn. Arrr!

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