The Booty Report

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The Helldivers 2 scallywags say to give it a rest to fix crashes - 230,000 sea dogs battle Automatons! Arrr!


Me hearties be rushin' to plunder the last treasure, Durgen. The scallywags be swarming like a pack o' seadogs on the hunt for booty. Arrr, may the wind be at our backs and the rum flow freely as we claim our prize!

Arrrrr, me hearties! The time has come to storm the final planet, Durgen, and claim victory for our crew! The players be swarming like a pack of hungry sharks, ready to plunder the treasures hidden within. The air be thick with excitement and the sound of cannons firing as we make our way to the last battle.
But beware, me mates, for the enemy be fierce and the challenges ahead be great. We must band together and fight as one if we be wanting to emerge victorious. The fate of the seven seas be in our hands, and we must not falter in the face of danger.
As we set foot on the sandy shores of Durgen, we raise our swords and let out a mighty roar, signaling to all who dare stand in our way that we be coming for them. The battle be long and hard-fought, but through wit and determination, we prevail!
And so, with the final planet liberated, we celebrate our triumph with grog and merriment, knowing that we be the true rulers of the seas. So raise yer flag high, me hearties, and let the world know that the pirates of Durgen be the fiercest crew to ever sail the high seas!

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