The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Seek ye the scallywags hidin’ fake doubloons in Star Wars Outlaws, or be ye walkin’ the plank!


Arrr, matey! In the grand quest fer them counterfeit doubloons in the Star Wars Outlaws, ye be needin’ to seek out a market trader. Fear not! I’ll share the secrets to spot that scallywag, savvy? Prepare yer spyglass and let the treasure hunt begin!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the Star Wars Outlaws’ quest fer them counterfeit credits! Aye, ye be huntin' for a shifty market trader, one who be as slippery as an eel in a barrel o' rum!

First, ye must keep yer peepers peeled fer a scallywag who be lookin’ all shifty-like! He’ll be wearin' rags that be patchier than a sailor's kilt and sportin' a beard that be tangled like a ship's anchor line. If he be twitchin’ more than a parrot on a hot stove, that be yer trader, savvy?

Next, listen closely to the words drippin’ from his tongue. If he be speakin’ in riddles more confounded than a map drawn by a drunken navigator, ye can bet yer doubloons he be tryin’ to swindle ye! Trust not those silver-tongued devils; their gold be as fake as a three-legged sea turtle!

Lastly, if he offers ye deals sweeter than a siren’s song, be suspicious, matey! A treasure too good to be true be usually a trap laid by the devil hisself! So, keep yer wits about ye, and may yer quest for them counterfeit credits lead ye to more gold than ye can haul aboard!

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