The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye scurvy dogs! The $6 Metroidvania what set Steam ablaze hath reached 100K sales. The self-taught dev be flummoxed!


Arr matey, the Psuedoregalia be gettin' a mighty fine upgrade with a hefty map refresh! Now ye can chart yer course with ease and plunder all the booty without gettin' lost. Set sail me hearties, and let the adventure begin!

Arr mateys! Gather round and listen up for some good news on the high seas. Psuedoregalia, our favorite treasure hunting tool, has just got itself a chunky map update. That's right, now we can navigate the treacherous waters with even more precision and accuracy.
With this new update, we can chart our course more easily and find those hidden treasures that be waiting for us. No more getting lost in the vast ocean, thanks to Psuedoregalia's trusty map.
So, me hearties, let's raise a toast to this fine update and set sail for new adventures. The seas be calling and with Psuedoregalia by our side, we be unstoppable. Let's hunt for gold and glory like true pirates should!
So hoist the sails and let's embark on a grand voyage with Psuedoregalia at the helm. With this chunky map update, there be no stopping us from finding the greatest treasures of the seven seas. Yo ho ho, Psuedoregalia, here we come!

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