The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Word be spreadin' that t' scurvy dogs from House of t' Dragon and Locke & Key seek t' audition for DC's Supergirl flick!


Arrr, me hearties! Milly Alcock, Emilia Jones, and Meg Donnelly be fightin' like scallywags to wield the mighty shield of Kryptonian Kara Zor-El. May the best lass win, or be sent to walk the plank!

Gather round, ye scurvy dogs! I've got some news that'll make ye laugh like a drunken parrot! There be rumors flyin' around that three fine lasses, Milly Alcock, Emilia Jones, and Meg Donnelly, are all fightin' tooth and nail to take on the role of that Kryptonian Kara Zor-El! Arrr, can ye believe it?

Now, ye may be wonderin' why these landlubbers be vying for the chance to play a super-powered alien. Well, me mateys, it be because this Kara Zor-El be no ordinary lass. She be a cousin of that famed hero Superman, sailin' through the skies in her own cape and boots.

Milly Alcock be a young lass with an impressive track record on the screen. She be known for her role in the show "Upright," where she played a plucky teenager. Aye, she be no stranger to adventure, and I reckon she can handle the high seas of superheroics.

Then there be Emilia Jones, a talented lass who be makin' waves with her performances. She be best known for her work in the show "Locke & Key," where she faced all sorts of supernatural shenanigans. Aye, she be no stranger to danger, and I reckon she can face off against the evildoers that be threatenin' the good folks of Krypton.

Last but not least, we have Meg Donnelly. Now, this lass be known for her singin' and dancin' skills in the show "Zombies." Aye, she be no stranger to entertainin' the masses, but can she handle the rigors of bein' a superhero? Only time will tell, me hearties.

So there ye have it, me hearties! Three fine lasses be in the runnin' to play Kara Zor-El, the Kryptonian with a heart of gold. Who will take on this mighty role? Only the casting gods be knowin'! But rest assured, it be an adventure worth watchin' and laughin' about, for ye never know what surprises be waitin' just around the bend.

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