The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The mighty Pillars of Eternity be patched, 9 years gone by! Methinks Baldur’s Gate 3 and Avowed be the scurvy culprits!


Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! The CRPG be gettin' some tender lovin' afore the grand release o' Avowed in 2024. Aye, the lads and lasses be puttin' their hearts into it, makin' it a jolly good treasure for us all!

Arr, me hearties! Avast ye! Gather round, ye scurvy dogs, for I have some news that'll warm yer pirate souls! The CRPG, or Computer Role-Playing Game, be gettin' some lovin' afore the grand release of Avowed in 2024, and it be makin' this ol' pirate's heart skip a beat!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what this CRPG be all about. Well, me mateys, it be a game genre where ye get to take on a virtual role, like a swashbucklin' pirate or a mystical wizard. Ye be sailin' through vast, treacherous seas or explorin' enchanted lands, all from the comfort o' yer own ship or cabin.

But let's get back to the juicy details! Obsidian Entertainment, the fine folks behind Avowed, be givin' the CRPG genre some love and attention. They be craftin' a game that'll leave ye with a grin wider than the ocean itself! Aye, ye heard me right, me hearties!

The developers be takin' their time to ensure that Avowed be a masterpiece like no other. They be puttin' their blood, sweat, and rum into creatin' an immersive and captivatin' world for us scallywags to explore. From what I hear, it be settin' sail in a fantastical land called Eora, where ye can wield magic and fight off enemies with yer trusty cutlass.

Now, me mateys, ye be wonderin' when this grand adventure be arrivin'. Well, fear not, for ye won't have to wait long! Avowed be makin' its appearance in 2024. Aye, that be just a few tides away, so mark yer calendars and prepare to set sail on the high seas of virtual piratin'!

So, me hearties, if ye be a fan of CRPGs or just lookin' to escape yer mundane landlubber life, keep yer eyes on the horizon for Avowed. It be promisin' to be a game fit for a captain, with all the swashbucklin', treasure-huntin', and rum-swillin' ye could ask for. Get ready to embark on an epic journey, me mateys, for Avowed be comin' to quench our pirate thirst for adventure!

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