The Booty Report

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Arr matey! Ben Stiller be spillin' the beans 'bout Severance season 2 after Apple TV's cryptic message.


Arrr! We be toilin' on it, me hearties! Tis a task we be takin' upon us like a ship at full sail. But fear not, for we be plunderin' through the waves of diligence, aimin' to deliver the treasure soon!

Arr matey! Ben Stiller be spillin' the beans 'bout Severance season 2 after Apple TV's cryptic message.

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I've got a tale to tell ye. 'Tis a tale of adventure and mischief, filled with the language of a 17th century pirate. But fear not, for this be a humorous yarn that'll tickle yer funny bones!

Avast, me mateys! We be toilin' away like a pack o' landlubbers, but fear not, for we be workin' on it! Aye, the ship may be leakin' and the sails tattered, but we be a crew of resilient scallywags. Our Captain, bless his scurvy soul, be as determined as a shark sniffin' out a swimmer. He be bellowin' orders like a thunderstorm, tryin' to whip us into shape.

Arr, the crew be as diverse as a treasure chest, with each mate bringin' their own skills to the table. We got the master gunner, a swashbucklin' expert at firin' cannons with deadly precision. Then there be the quartermaster, a sneaky fella who can pilfer supplies without leavin' a trace. And don't forget the cook, a jolly soul who can whip up a feast fit for a king even with meager rations.

But alas, me hearties, the sea be a fickle mistress. She be testin' our resolve every step o' the way. Just when we think we're gettin' ahead, a storm brews on the horizon, tossin' us about like a bunch o' rag dolls. But we be laughin' in the face o' danger, for what good be a pirate without a bit o' adventure?

So fear not, me landlubbers, for though we be workin' on it, we be takin' our time. It be a pirate's life, after all, and we'll reach our destination when the tides be in our favor. So hoist the anchor, raise the Jolly Roger high, and let us sail forth with a hearty "Yo ho ho!"

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