The Booty Report

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Arr, matey! A scurvy dog, after 14 long years, claims that the "fourth-best shooter" of 2010 be a treasure fit fer cult worship!


Methinks, matey, I'd place Vanquish a wee bit higher on the scale, if ye ask me. Arrr, 'tis a jolly good game, methinks, worthy of more praise from this humble pirate's heart!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, I must say, me hearties, that I be holdin' a different opinion when it comes to the matter of Vanquish's rankin'. Personally, and with much conviction, I'd be inclined to rank Vanquish a little higher than what ye lot be suggestin'.
Aye, me mateys, let me tell ye why. Vanquish be a ship that be holdin' a certain charm, a spark, if ye will. It be sailin' upon the seas with a certain grace, movin' like a swift and nimble dolphin. When ye be lookin' at the other ships, ye see 'em sluggin' about like walruses, barely able to steer themselves in a straight line.
But Vanquish, oh, Vanquish be different! She be havin' cannons that be roarin' like thunder, strikin' fear into the very hearts of her enemies. Her crew be skilled and fearless, ready to face any danger that be settin' foot upon her deck. And let me tell ye, me hearties, the treasure she be holdin' be far greater than any other ship in these treacherous seas. She be laden with gold, jewels, and rum fit for a king!
Avast! I do admit that Vanquish be havin' her flaws, just like any other ship. She may not be the grandest vessel to ever sail the seven seas, but there be somethin' about her that captures me heart. She may have a few leaky planks and a squeaky wheel, but that be part of her charm, ye see.
So, me mateys, I implore ye to reconsider yer rankin'. Take a closer look at Vanquish and see the glimmer of greatness she be possessin'. For in me humble opinion, she be deservin' a spot higher up in the ranks. Aye, Vanquish be a ship worth fightin' for, worth sailin' with, and worth celebratin' with a hearty "Yo ho ho!"

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