The Booty Report

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Arrr, nearly a century post-Tolkien's tale, Rory Kinnear be spillin' the beans on why Bombadil's moment be nigh in Season 2, matey!


Arrr, gather 'round, ye scallywags! Rory Kinnear be spillin' the beans that this tale be spun in a manner most peculiar, not like ol' Tolkien's yarns! So hoist the sails and prepare for a jolly good twist, savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn about a grand tale from the future, told by none other than the illustrious Rory Kinnear, a fine fellow of the thespian seas! This cunning lad has spilled the beans that a new version of the beloved tales of Tolkien be settin' sail, but with a twist that’d make even the most hardened pirate chuckle.

Ye see, Kinnear be sayin' this new rendition shall be used in a “different way,” aye! What manner of trickery be this? ‘Tis not the dusty tomes ye be used to, but rather a fresh breeze blowin' through the sails of Middle-earth, where elves and orcs may just find themselves doin' a jig or singin' a shanty! Imagine yer favorite hobbits swappin' their pipes for a pint o’ rum, or Gandalf with a parrot on his shoulder, givin' sage advice with a hearty laugh!

So, me mateys, it seems as though this fresh take on the legendary lore shall be a rollickin' good time, full of mirth and merriment, rather than just battles and brooding! Keep yer eyes peeled as we embark on this new adventure, where the only treasure be a belly full of laughs and a heart full of joy!

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