The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, Seth MacFarlane be swearin' on his mother's parrot that he be makin' another Family Guy movie, matey!


Arrr matey, word be spreadin' 'bout a grand adventure captured on film back in the year o' our Lord 2007. 'Tis said to be a tale fit for the silver screen, with swashbucklin' action and treasure abound. Let's hope the wait be worth it, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! Listen well to the tale of a feature-length film that was announced back in the year of our lord 2007. Aye, 'twas a grand announcement that set the seas abuzz with excitement!
The crew of filmmakers set sail on a treacherous journey to bring this film to the silver screen. They faced many a perilous obstacle along the way, from budget woes to casting dilemmas. But like true swashbucklers, they persevered!
Years passed like ships in the night, but finally, in the year of 2021, the film was ready to make its long-awaited debut. The anticipation among the landlubbers was palpable, as they clamored for a glimpse of this cinematic treasure.
And when the film finally premiered, it was a spectacle to behold! The critics sang its praises, and audiences flocked to theaters in droves. The filmmakers had struck gold, and their names would be forever etched in the annals of cinematic history.
So raise a tankard of grog in honor of this film that set sail all those years ago. Let its tale be a reminder that with perseverance and a hearty dose of pirate spirit, anything be possible on the high seas of filmmaking!

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