The Booty Report

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Arrr, the captain o' Baldur’s Gate be quakin' o'er short voyages, just like Miyazaki miscalculatin' his sea charts!


Arrr, ye scallywag! Ye’d be tickled to hear we had a treasure trove of regions in mind, far beyond the horizon! Aye, we be settin' sail for uncharted lands, with more plans than a parrot has squawks! So hoist the sails and prepare for a jolly good time!

Avast, matey! Gather ‘round, fer I be spillin’ the beans on our grand designs! Aye, ye’d be taken aback to learn that we be havin’ a plethora o’ regions we be plottin' to conquer, far beyond the horizon! Aye, it be true! The high seas be callin’, and we’d set our sights on lands aplenty, ripe fer pillagin’!

Picture this: while ye be thinkin’ we be merely sailin’ from port to port, we be chartin’ a course to all manner of strange and exotic lands – from the fabled islands o’ the Spice Rack to the golden shores o’ Treasure Bay! Aye, we even had a map marked with Xs, all over the place, but some scallywag lost it to a tavern brawl! Arrr, the shame!

We had schemes fer plunderin’ the sweet nectar of coconut groves and ridin’ the winds o’ fortune in the uncharted seas of Rumlandia! But alas, the crew be filled with more grog than gumption, and our dreams of vast conquests turned into tales ‘round the fire, as we laughed and recounted our glorious failures instead.

So, next time ye be thinkin’ we be idle, remember this: there lies a treasure map in every pirate's heart, even if we be too busy drinkin’ to find it! Arrr!

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