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Arrr matey! The Sting be sayin' he be creatin' a new Alien tale with a monstrous spider twist! Aye!


Arr mateys! Kiah Roache-Turner be spillin' the beans to SFX magazine about his inspirations from the likes o' Steven Spielberg, from Duel to Jurassic Park. Aye, 'tis a tale worth hearin' from this scallywag filmmaker!

Arrr, mateys! Gather round and listen up to this exclusive tale I be sharing with ye! The infamous Kiah Roache-Turner be spilling the beans to SFX magazine about his inspirations from none other than the legendary Steven Spielberg himself. From the heart-pounding thriller Duel to the mighty Jurassic Park, this scallywag be drawing inspiration from the best in the business!
Roache-Turner be talkin' about how Spielberg's films be fuelin' his own creative fires, pushin' him to make his own mark on the world of cinema. With Spielberg's mastery of suspense and adventure, it be no wonder this buccaneer be lookin' up to him as a mentor of sorts. And let me tell ye, mateys, Roache-Turner be settin' sail on his own cinematic journey, ready to take on the high seas of Hollywood!
So there ye have it, me hearties! The tale of Kiah Roache-Turner and his Spielberg inspirations be a story worth tellin'. And who knows what other treasures this scurvy dog be plannin' to unearth in the world of film? Keep a weather eye out, me mateys, for the adventures yet to come!

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