The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, behold! 'Tis a grand sight, me hearties! Cyborg, Batwing, Mr Terrific, and a bunch o' others bein' honored on DC's 2024 Black History Month covers, savvy?


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag publisher be shoutin' from the mast, ye be ready to feast yer eyes on some mighty fine DC Power treasure with new volumes and fancy variants. Prepare to set sail on an epic adventure, me lads and lasses!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and listen up, for I have some news that will tickle your fancy and make your pirate hearts skip a beat! The publisher be announcin' a whole treasure trove of goodies for all you scallywags who can't get enough of DC Power.

First off, they be unveilin' some truly awesome variants, me hearties! Picture this: Batman sportin' an eye patch and a swaggerin' pirate hat, ready to set sail on the high seas to fight crime. Or Superman, flyin' through the clouds with a parrot perched on his shoulder, ready to save the day with a sword in hand. Arrr, these covers will surely make your eyes glimmer like pieces of eight!

And that ain't all, me hearties! The publisher be releasin' a brand new volume of DC Power, packed to the brim with adventures that will have you laughin' so hard, ye might lose yer wooden leg! Ye can expect more of those epic battles between heroes and villains, but with a twist – a hilarious twist, that be! Think Aquaman tryin' to command a crew of mischievous dolphins or Wonder Woman havin' a run-in with a cheeky parrot that won't stop squawkin' her secrets.

Now, I know what ye be thinkin', me hearties – why all this pirate talk? Well, it be because DC Power be embracin' their inner buccaneer, bringin' a bit of swashbucklin' fun to their comic book world. They be takin' risks, pushin' boundaries, and injectin' some good ol' pirate humor into their stories. And let me tell ye, it be a sight to behold!

So set sail on the waves of laughter, me hearties, for DC Power be deliverin' a booty of humor and adventure like ye've never seen before. Grab yer cutlasses, strap on yer eye patches, and get ready to laugh yer peg legs off! This be a voyage ye won't want to miss!

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