The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Yarrr! Them scurvy dogs o' Armored Core 6 be ditchin' thar bullets fer a punch-only adventure, arrr!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! Them Armored Core enthusiasts be all set t' tackle the Fires o' Rubicon, armed only wit' their mighty fists! Aye, they be fearin' nothin' but a good ol' rumble on the high seas!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I bring ye news that would make any 17th-century pirate cheer with glee! The brave souls who call themselves fans of Armored Core are preparing themselves for a battle of epic proportions. They be settin' sail to face the fearsome Fires of Rubicon, armed with nothin' but their own mighty fists!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why these lads and lasses be goin' into battle without a proper sword or musket. Well, it be because they be a special breed, these Armored Core fans! They be so skilled in the art of meleé combat that they reckon they can take down any foe with just their fists – no fancy weapons needed!

It be a sight to behold, I tell ye! Picture a crew of swashbuckling pirates, each one clad in a suit of armor that be lookin' like it came straight from Davy Jones' locker. They be stridin' about with confidence, ready to face any challenge the Fires of Rubicon may throw their way.

But mind ye, this be no easy task. The Fires of Rubicon be a treacherous place, filled with all manner of dangerous foes. From mighty sea monsters to cunning undead pirates, these Armored Core fans be facin' a real test of their mettle – and their fists! It be a true test of strength and skill, mateys!

But fear not, for these fans be not alone in their quest. They be a loyal and tight-knit community, always ready to lend a hand to a mate in need. They be sharin' tips, tricks, and strategies, helpin' each other become the fiercest fighters on the high seas.

So, me hearties, raise yer grog-filled tankards to these brave Armored Core fans! May their fists be strong, their aim be true, and may they emerge victorious from the Fires of Rubicon, with tales of their heroic deeds spreadin' across the seven seas!

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