The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, hear ye! The release o' Borderlands be near, with a grand cast and all the scuttlebutt about this new video game flick!


Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen up! The date o' release, the crew, and all the other scallywag details ye be needin' 'bout Eli Roth's plunderin' o' the video game, Borderlands, be here for yer plunderin' pleasure! Aye, me timbers be shiverin' with excitement!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather round and lend me yer ears, for I have tales of the upcoming release of the Borderlands video game adaptation by none other than Eli Roth. Set sail on this adventure and feast yer eyes on the treasure trove of information ye seek.
First and foremost, mark the date on yer calendars, for the release of Borderlands be fast approachin'. Set to hit the shores on [insert release date], this be a day to remember for all ye landlubbers who be fans of the game.
Now, let's talk about the crew that be bringin' this adventure to life. The cast be a fine bunch indeed, with the likes of Cate Blanchett, Kevin Hart, and Jamie Lee Curtis takin' the helm of this ship. Aye, they be a talented lot, and I have no doubt they'll do justice to the characters ye know and love.
But wait, there be more! Ye may be wonderin' what else ye need to know about this grand undertaking. Fear not, for I have the answers ye seek. From the plot to the production details, I'll be keepin' ye informed every step of the way.
So batten down the hatches and prepare for the ride of yer lives, me hearties! Borderlands be comin' soon, and it promises to be a swashbucklin' good time for all who dare to embark on this journey. Arrr!

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