The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags! Jump, run, and don't touch the fiery floor in the jolly good game o' Fortnite Floor be Lava! Arrr!


Arrr matey, in the treacherous seas of Fortnite, ye must claim the high ground to avoid the fiery depths of the floor bein' lava. Keep a weather eye on the flames and be swift on yer feet, lest ye be toasted like a scallywag's dinner!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have a tale to tell ye about the treacherous seas of Fortnite and the deadly game of Floor Is Lava! In this game, ye must secure the high ground to avoid being scorched by the rising flames that threaten to consume ye!
Imagine yerself as a brave pirate, swinging from the masts of a mighty ship, seeking refuge on the tallest peak to escape the fiery inferno below. The key to survival in this treacherous game be to keep yer wits about ye and move swiftly to higher ground.
As ye navigate the treacherous terrain of Fortnite, be sure to keep an eye out for traps and enemies lurking in the shadows. Use yer cunning and skill to outmaneuver them and claim victory for yer crew!
So hoist the sails, me hearties, and set a course for the high ground in Floor Is Lava! May the winds of fortune be at yer back as ye navigate the perilous seas of Fortnite in search of glory and loot!

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