The Booty Report

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"Arrr, bring forth more Blade, ye scallywags! Reynolds be wishin' Snipes a grand farewell like Logan's last sail!"


Arrr, matey! It be said that Ryan Reynolds be throwin' hugs o' affection to the swashbucklin' Wesley Snipes! Aye, a fine camaraderie 'twixt these scallywags, like rum and treasure! Avast, let the jests and jigs commence!

"Arrr, bring forth more Blade, ye scallywags! Reynolds be wishin' Snipes a grand farewell like Logan's last sail!"

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be spinnin' ye a tale of the dandy actor known as Ryan Reynolds, who be showerin' praise on the notorious Wesley Snipes! Yarr, it be a tale of admiration and folly, as Reynolds be expressin' his fondness fer the swashbucklin’ blade master of yore.

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