The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! No one be expectin' World of Warcraft's surprise: a 60-player pirate battle royale MMO on separate servers! Avast ye PvP!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been seven moons in the makin' fer ye scallywags playin' World o' Warcraft. Aye, the wait be long, but the treasure be worth it! Set sail on the high seas o' Azeroth and plunder all the loot yer heart desires! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr mateys, listen up! After seven long months of waiting, the treasure be finally here for all ye scallywags who be playin' World of Warcraft. It be like findin' a chest full of gold after a long and treacherous journey on the high seas.
Ye be thinkin' ye be waitin' forever for this day to come, but finally the winds be blowin' in our favor and the sun be shinin' down on us once again. The excitement be spreadin' faster than a fire on a wooden ship.
So gather yer crew, me hearties, and set sail for adventure like never before. The sea be callin' and the loot be waitin' for us to claim. Let's show those landlubbers what true pirates be made of!
But beware, me mateys, for the seas be treacherous and the battles be fierce. Be ready to fight like a true buccaneer and show no mercy to those who stand in yer way.
So raise yer grog and toast to this momentous occasion. The wait be over and the time for plunderin' be at hand. Let's make this the best seven months of lootin', pillagin', and plunderin' that the world of Azeroth has ever seen!

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