The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, Assassin's Creed Red be now Assassin's Creed Shadows, set in Japan, and be unveiled this week!


Arrr mateys, mark ye calendars for this week be the official reveal of the treasure! Set sail and gather yer crew for a grand adventure awaits. Ye don't want to miss out on the bounty that awaits us! Aye, 'tis time to shiver me timbers!

Avast ye mateys! Gather round as I share the news of the official reveal that be happenin' this very week. Aye, me hearties, the time has come for us to feast our eyes upon the treasure we've all been waitin' for. The anticipation be killin' me, like a scurvy dog gnawin' on a bone.
Ye best be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon, for when the reveal be upon us, we'll be set sailin' on a sea of excitement and wonder. The rum shall flow like a river, and the cheers of the crew shall ring out like cannon fire on a stormy night.
So batten down the hatches and prepare yerselves for the grand spectacle that awaits us. The official reveal be the event of the season, and we'll be talkin' about it for ages to come. Me timbers be shiverin' just thinkin' about it!
So gather 'round me hearties, and let's raise a toast to the official reveal that be landin' this week. May it be as glorious as a chest full of gold, and may we all be filled with joy and merriment. Yo ho ho, me mateys, the time be nigh!

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