The Booty Report

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Arrr! Netflix be sinkin’ its fancy game ship, leavin’ a crew of legendary devs to walk the plank!


Arrr, gather 'round ye scallywags! We be havin’ the likes of Chacko Sonny, the great Overwatch captain, and Rafael Grassetti, the art wizard from God of War Ragnarok! Aye, talent be flowin’ like rum, and we be sailin’ for a grand adventure, ye landlubbers!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale o’ talent as bounteous as a treasure chest brimming with doubloons! In this grand adventure, we be settin' sail with none other than the mighty Overwatch executive producer, Chacko Sonny, a master of crafting virtual battles fit fer a captain’s log! With a beard as legendary as his skills, Chacko be knowin' how to steer a game like a well-tuned ship on the high seas!

But wait, there be more! Joining our crew be the illustrious Rafael Grassetti, the art director behind the epic God of War Ragnarok. This scallywag, with a quill sharper than a cutlass and an eye for detail likelier than a parrot on yer shoulder, be conjuring up visuals that would make Neptune himself weep with joy! Aye, his creations be more stunning than a sunset on the horizon after a hard day’s plunderin’!

So raise yer tankards, me mateys, for this dynamic duo be ready to embark on a new quest, combining their talents like rum and coconut! May their adventures be filled with laughter, loot, and the occasional sea monster, as they chart a course through the uncharted waters of game development! Arrr, let the games begin!

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