The Booty Report

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Arrr, a year passed, and a treasure o' Ahsoka's secrets be found – could spell grand adventures fer season 2!


Ahoy, matey! Those mystical runes from the first episode be whisperin' secrets of what be comin' next in the tale. Aye, 'tis like a treasure map, but with more riddles and less rum! Keep yer spyglass handy, or ye might miss the spoils!

Arrr, a year passed, and a treasure o' Ahsoka's secrets be found – could spell grand adventures fer season 2!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ye round as I spin ye a yarn about the curious runes that danced upon the screen in the first season's grand premiere. Aye, these ancient carvings be whisperin’ secrets of what be yet to come in this merry tale of adventure and mischief!

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