The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scurvy dog Zack Snyder be only entertainin' the thought o' a Daredevil and Elektra flick from the Marvel seas!


Arrr! Methinks Zack Snyder be yammerin' 'bout the Marvel scallywags! 'Tis a sight ye don't often see, like a landlubber dancin' a jig on a ship's mast. But, aye, let him blabber, 'tis all in good fun for us pirate folk!

Arr, mateys! Gather 'round and listen well, for I bring ye news from the high seas of Hollywood! 'Tis none other than Zack Snyder, the famed director of movies like "300" and "Man of Steel," talkin' about none other than Marvel, the rival pirate crew sailin' in the same waters as him!

Now, ye may be expectin' a fierce battle of words between these two captains of the silver screen, but ye'd be mistaken! Turns out, ol' Zack has nought but respect for the Marvel crew. He be sayin', and I quote, "I love what they're doin' over there at Marvel. They've built a vast universe, and I can't help but admire their creativity."

But don't be thinkin' Zack's gone soft, me hearties! He also be pointin' out that his own films, like "Batman v Superman," be sailin' in a different direction. He be sayin', "We be takin' a darker route, explorin' the grittier side of these superheroes." Aye, it be true that his films be more broodin' and intense, while Marvel's be filled with colorful characters and witty banter.

Yet, despite these differences, Zack be expressin' his love for the superhero genre as a whole. He says, "Whether ye be a fan of Marvel or DC, it's a great time to be a pirate fan. We be witnessin' some epic tales unfoldin' on the big screen, and that's somethin' to celebrate."

So fear not, me hearties! There be no war among the pirates of Hollywood. Zack Snyder, the 17th-century pirate of the film industry, be givin' his blessings to Marvel and admiring their vast universe. 'Tis a time of adventure and laughter on the silver screen, and we be lucky to witness it from the comfort of our pirate ships!

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