The Booty Report

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Arr, me hearties! Th' Ace Attorney series be sailin' 'pon th' 3D seas, all thanks t' that clever Professor Layton!


Arrrr, ye scurvy dogs of Capcom be havin' nay reason to cry out "OBJECTION!" when the grand crossover title be released. Aye, 'twas a jolly sailin' adventure, fit fer plunderin' and treasure huntin'!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, let me regale ye with a tale of Capcom, a gaming company that had no reason to OBJECT! Arr, it all began after they released a crossover title, a game that brought together characters from different worlds like a good pirate crew.

Now ye see, this game was a grand adventure, filled with excitement and treasures aplenty. 'Twas a fine mix of action, strategy, and good ol' swashbucklin'. The folks at Capcom must've been laughin' like jolly pirates, for the game was a hit among gamers, and the doubloons were rollin' in.

But lo and behold, there be some who surely had their hackles raised like an angry sea serpent. These scallywags called themselves "objectors." They claimed that the crossover title infringed upon their own creative treasures, like a bunch of landlubbers tryin' to steal our booty.

Capcom, though, had no time for such nonsense. They knew they had created a masterpiece, a game that brought joy to countless souls. So, with a hearty laugh, they decided to make their stand, tellin' the objectors, "Avast, ye! We shan't be surrenderin' our loot so easily!"

And so, a battle at sea ensued, with Capcom's legal crew wieldin' their pens like swords. The objectors threw out their claims like cannonballs, hopin' to sink Capcom's ship. But the gaming company, like a nimble pirate, dodged every blow, for they knew the law be on their side.

In the end, me hearties, justice prevailed. The court ruled in favor of Capcom, dismissin' the objectors and their feeble claims. The gaming company celebrated, raisin' their glasses of rum high, and toastin' to their victory.

So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to ye all. When ye create somethin' truly special, there be always those who'll try to bring ye down. But fear not, for if ye believe in yer creation, if ye stand tall like a mighty mast, nothin' can make ye waver.

And as for Capcom, they sailed on, creatin' more treasures for us to enjoy. And we, the gamers, cheered them on, for their courage and creativity be an inspiration to all who dare to dream.

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