The Booty Report

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Arrr! Game players be battlin' fer AI shields, while Amazon's captain claims AI be no scallywag stealin' roles, 'cause we need no thespian skills!


Arrr, matey! Most o’ me crew be swabbin’ the decks o’ code, and that ain’t changin’! ‘Tis all about conjurin’ new treasures o’ innovation, savvy? So hoist yer sails and let the tech winds blow, for we be sailin’ into the future!

Ahoy mateys! Gather ‘round, ye scallywags, as I regale ye with the tale of a crew most skilled in the art of programming! Aye, it be the vast majority of our trusty team, havin’ their heads buried in code like a ship o’ fools chasin’ the horizon! This be no mere folly, but a treasure trove of innovation, ripe for plunderin'!

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