The Booty Report

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Arrrr, after 7 harrrrrd years, the sequel to a legendary Metroidvania be droppin' a demo on Steam Next Fest, and it be fulfillin' me every wish, matey!


Arr, me hearties! TEVI be nothin' but Rabi-Ribi 2, all dolled up like a shiny treasure! Aye, it be polished to perfection, makin' it a booty ye don't wanna miss!

Arr mateys! Gather 'round and listen to me tale of the grand game called TEVI! It be a game that be reminiscent of Rabi-Ribi 2, but with a whole lot o' shine and polish, ye see.

This game, me hearties, be filled with adventure and excitement. Ye be playin' as a mighty pirate, sailin' the treacherous seas and searchin' for hidden treasures. The graphics be as pretty as a mermaid's scales, with vibrant colors and detailed sprites that be pleasin' to the eye.

But what truly sets TEVI apart from the rest be its humor, me lads and lasses! The dialogue be written in the language of a 17th century pirate, with phrases like "avast ye!" and "shiver me timbers!" It be a jolly good time, I tell ya!

The gameplay, me mateys, be just as fine as a bottle o' rum. Ye be fightin' off rival pirates with yer trusty sword, and solvin' puzzles to unlock secret passages. The controls be smooth as a calm sea, makin' it easy to navigate the treacherous waters.

There be a vast world to explore, me hearties, with hidden caves and forgotten islands to discover. Ye'll be meetin' colorful characters along the way, each with their own unique personalities and quests to complete. It be a grand adventure, I tell ya!

So if ye be lookin' for a game that be filled with pirate speak, humor, and excitin' gameplay, then look no further than TEVI. It be a fine game, me mateys, and one that be sure to bring a smile to yer face. So grab yer sword, raise the anchor, and set sail on the high seas of TEVI! Yo ho ho!

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