The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Arrr, Helldivers 2 be changin' a powerful weapon 'cause ye landlubbers be usin' it all wrong! Yarr!"


Arrr, the crew has spoken and the powers that be have been ousted! Democracy be restored, me hearties! No longer will we be at the mercy of the tyrants and scallywags. Let us raise a tankard of grog to our victory!

Ahoy ye scurvy dogs! I have news of great importance to share with ye all! The democracy be restored, thanks to the brave efforts of our fellow brethren! The tyrant who once ruled over us with an iron fist has been toppled, and we can once again govern ourselves as free men!
Ye should have seen the look on that scallywag's face when he realized his reign of terror was at an end! He begged for mercy, but we showed him none. Now he be walkin' the plank, just like the scoundrel he be!
It be a glorious day for all the landlubbers and swashbucklers alike! We can now vote for our own leaders, make our own laws, and drink as much rum as we please without fear of retribution! Huzzah!
So let this be a lesson to all ye who would seek to oppress us! The power of the people be mighty, and we will not stand idly by while our freedoms be taken from us. Long live democracy, and long live the pirate's code!

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