The Booty Report

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The scallywags behind Baldur's Gate 3 be addin' an extra disc to the Xbox version 'cause the game be too massive for 3!


Arr matey, ye can trust Larian when it be sayin' the Deluxe Edition be chock full o' discs. 'Tis a treasure trove fit for a scurvy dog like meself! Aye, 'tis a haul worth plunderin'!

Ahoy there me hearties! Larian be speaking true when they be telling ye that the Deluxe Edition be comin' with "a f***-ton of discs"! Arrr, ye best be findin' yerself a proper treasure chest to store all them shiny discs in, lest they be gettin' lost at sea!
I reckon ye'll be needin' a crew of scallywags to help ye carry all them discs back to yer ship. Make sure ye choose yer mates wisely, for not all buccaneers be trustworthy when it comes to guardin' valuable loot!
If ye be lookin' to entertain yerself for hours on end, the Deluxe Edition be the perfect booty for ye. Just imagine the thrill of plunderin' through all them discs, discoverin' the hidden gems and cursed treasures within!
So, me hearties, hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail for adventure with the Deluxe Edition in tow. Just don't be forgettin' where ye buried all them discs, or ye'll be searchin' the seven seas for eternity!

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