The Booty Report

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Arr! Ye scurvy dogs! Baldur's Gate 3 be stoppin' at level 6 spells, but one scallywag pulled off a level 7 blunder! Locked 'em out o' the grand brawl, it did!


Arrr! The direst misfortune befallin' 'em scallywags! They be stranded on the cursed PS5, unable to wield their console commands like sorcery to escape their fate. Yo ho ho, what a calamity indeed!

Arrrrr, me mateys! Gather 'round, for I have a tale to spin in the ol' language of a 17th century pirate, with a dash of humor for good measure. Now, listen closely as I regale ye with a tale of woe - a tale of those scallywags who find themselves aboard the mighty vessel known as the PS5, yet cannot easily employ the mythical console commands to escape their predicaments.

Avast, me hearties! Picture this: a group of landlubbers, embarking on virtual adventures upon their trusty gaming console. They sail through treacherous seas, explore exotic lands, and encounter foes aplenty. Oh, the thrill of it all! But lo and behold, when faced with a challenge, what be their recourse? The console commands, mateys!

Arrr, ye see, in the vast world of gaming, there be a magical tool called console commands. Aye, tis a power bestowed upon the PC brethren, allowing them to manipulate their virtual surroundings to their liking. They can conjure gold, heal their wounds, or even fly through the air with the greatest of ease. Aye, the power be in their hands!

Yet, alas, our poor PS5 adventurers find themselves without such a luxury. They be stranded, unable to summon the powers of the console commands to aid them in their dire moments. Oh, the desperation must be overwhelming!

Imagine their frustration, me hearties! As they encounter a fearsome foe, they cannot simply type "kill" to send them to Davy Jones' locker. They cannot summon a mount or teleport to distant lands. Nay, they be left to fend for themselves, relying solely on their skill and cunning. A true test of their gaming prowess, if ye ask me.

So, me mateys, spare a thought for these poor souls aboard the PS5. Though they may be sailing through virtual seas, their inability to console command their way out of a sticky situation be a plight that no pirate should endure. Let us raise a tankard of grog for their perseverance and mayhaps, in the future, they shall find a way to navigate these treacherous waters unscathed.

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