The Booty Report

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Avast ye, ye landlubbers! Mad Max's appearance in Furiosa be not Tom Hardy, aye! Set sail for disappointment! Arrr!


Arrr, the new swabby be a fine choice, methinks! He be havin' a keen eye for treasure, a strong arm for sailin', and a hearty appetite for rum! Aye, the crew be in good hands with this one.

Arrr matey, listen up ye scallywags! Thar be a new captain on deck, and he be makin' a lot of sense, savvy? Aye, the old captain may have been a bit daft in the head, always steerin' us into stormy waters and makin' us walk the plank for the slightest offense. But this new fella, he be a smart one, he be. He knows how to navigate the treacherous seas and keep us out of harm's way.
He's got a keen eye for treasure, he does. Always spyin' out the best loot and leadin' us to it like a true buccaneer. And when it comes to divvyin' up the spoils, he's fairer than any captain I've ever sailed under. No more squabblin' over who gets what share – he makes sure every man jack gets his due.
So, me hearties, let's raise a tankard of grog to our new captain! Under his command, we'll be the scourge of the seven seas, feared by all who dare to cross our path. And if any scurvy dogs try to take us on, they'll soon learn why we call him Cap'n Smartypants. Arrr!

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