The Booty Report

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Arrr, Assassin's Creed Shadows be havin' a fancy hook fer its ninja to scale heights the samurai could only dream of!


Avast ye scallywags! Naoe be suggestin' a more skyward route to plunderin' and pillagin'! Let's hoist the sails and aim for the heavens, me hearties! Up, up, and away we go, seekin' our treasure in the clouds! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I've got a tale to spin ye about a scallywag named Naoe who be takin' a more vertical approach to his plunderin'! Aye, ye heard me right - instead of goin' horizontal like the rest of us landlubbers, this crafty buccaneer be takin' his raids to new heights!
Instead of diggin' holes in the ground like a common swabbie, Naoe be climbin' up the mast and swingin' from the riggin' like a proper pirate should! He be showin' us all that there be more than one way to plunder a treasure, me hearties!
So next time ye be thinkin' about how to get yer hands on some booty, remember the tale of Naoe and his vertical approach. Who knows, ye might just find yerself reachin' new heights of success in yer piratin' adventures! Arrr!

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