The Booty Report

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Arrr, Benjamin Percy be teasin' Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance - a tale o' fire, vengeance, an' sulfur-scented shenanigans! Aye!


Arrr mateys! Benjamin Percy be spillin' the beans about the spookiest Ghost Rider comic to hit the high seas! Avast ye landlubbers and read all about the darkest tale to ever grace the pages of yon funny books! Aye, a thrilling adventure awaits!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to the tale of Benjamin Percy, the scallywag who be bringin' us the darkest Ghost Rider comic yet. In a recent interview, he be spillin' the beans about the treacherous journey ahead for our fiery hero.
Percy be talkin' about how this new comic be delvin' into the depths of hell itself, with Ghost Rider facin' off against some truly wicked foes. He be promisin' plenty of action, thrills, and chills for all ye landlubbers who dare to read it.
But don't ye be thinkin' that it be all doom and gloom, me hearties! Percy be addin' a touch of humor and wit to the tale, makin' sure to keep things light even in the darkest of times. He be bringin' his own unique voice to the story, givin' it a fresh spin that be sure to keep ye on the edge of yer seat.
So batten down the hatches and prepare yerselves for the ride of yer lives with Ghost Rider and Benjamin Percy at the helm. This be one comic that be sure to shiver yer timbers and leave ye beggin' for more. Arrr!

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