The Booty Report

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Arrr, that Harry Potter Quidditch shindig be stirrin’ me old PS2 memories, yet I yearn for Hogwarts Legacy treasure!


Avast, matey! I’d be scourin' fer me Chamber of Secrets tune, but lo! Quidditch Champions be a jolly good emulator already! A fine treasure of wizardry, it be! Yarrr, who needs old bones when the winds be blowin' fair upon this here digital sea!

Arrr, that Harry Potter Quidditch shindig be stirrin’ me old PS2 memories, yet I yearn for Hogwarts Legacy treasure!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I be speakin' of a grand treasure not of gold, but of a wondrous game known as Quidditch Champions! Aye, I be on a quest fer me ol' Chamber of Secrets CD, but lo and behold, this game be callin' me name like a siren upon the seas!

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