The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Lay yer eyes on this treasure: a fine Xbox Series X bundle! Ye even get Modern Warfare 3 for naught!


Avast ye! Lay yer hands on an Xbox Series X from EE, and ye shall score Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 fer mere pennies! 'Tis an early Black Friday bounty ye cannae resist, matey!

Arr matey! Listen up, me hearties! 'Tis the tale ye've been waitin' for. Aye, word be goin' 'round the seven seas that ye can lay yer hands on Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for a mere pittance. How, ye ask? Well, it be a Black Friday deal, only the savviest swashbucklers know about.

Now, I know ye've all been eyein' the Xbox Series X like a hungry sea dog eyein' a juicy bone. And ye be right to set yer sights on that treasure, for 'tis a fine piece of loot. But here be the twist, me hearties! If ye buy yerself an Xbox Series X from EE, the fine folks there be tossin' in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 for next to nuthin'!

Now, I don't mean to burst yer bubble, but I reckon there be some terms and conditions to this here deal. Ye see, this offer be sailin' early like a sneaky corsair, so ye best be quick if ye don't want to miss the boat. And mark me words, ye'll need to sign up for a 24-month plan with EE to get yer hands on this booty. But fear not, me hearties, for EE be known for their top-notch service and speedy internet. They be lookin' out for ye, so ye can enjoy yer games without any interruptions or lag.

So, what be ye waitin' for, me lads and lasses? If ye be wantin' that shiny new Xbox Series X and a copy of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, head on over to EE's website and sign up for this early Black Friday deal. Ye'll be shoutin' "Yo ho ho!" when ye see the price ye be payin' for such treasure. But remember, savvy pirates strike fast, so don't be left hangin' by the yardarm!

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