The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Vermithor be the realm's second-largest scaly beastie, lookin' mighty fine for a fire-breathin' barbecue!


Arrr, me hearties! It seems ol' Vhagar be 'bout to tangle with a worthy foe at last! Aye, the sea be chucklin’ at the thought—mayhaps she’ll find her match in a scurvy dog or two! Let the rum flow as we watch the hullabaloo unfold!

Arrr, matey! Vermithor be the realm's second-largest scaly beastie, lookin' mighty fine for a fire-breathin' barbecue!

Ahoy, ye salty sea dogs! Gather 'round, fer I be bringin' ye tidin's o' a right curious tale, 'bout a beastie named Vhagar, a dragon so fierce she could roast a whole ship o' scallywags in one fiery breath! But lo and behold, whispers be risin' in the briny deep that this scaly wench might finally be facin' her match, aye!

Now, it be said that this here match be no ordinary foe! Nay, it be a creature so bold, it makes the fiercest kraken look like a wee fishy! Rumors be flyin' like cannonballs that a new contender has entered the fray, a dragon rumored to have scales shinier than a pirate’s finest doubloon and breath hotter than a cannon's roar!

Picture it, mates! Vhagar, with her fiery glare, spottin’ her rival on the horizon, both beasts puffin’ and puffin’ like a couple o’ old sea hags at a tavern brawl! Will she let pride be her downfall or will she rise to the challenge like a true captain of the skies? Aye, it be a spectacle no landlubber would want to miss!

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