The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Phil Spencer be talkin' about takin' an Xbox handheld on a grand adventure, arrr!


Arrr, the scallywag be wantin' a contraption to help him start his ship! He be thinkin' he's too fancy to do it manually like a true pirate. Next thing ye know, he'll be askin' for a parrot to do his talkin' for 'im!

Arrr mateys, listen up as I spin ye a tale of a scallywag who be wishin' for a magical contraption that be known as a controller to start up his ship. Aye, ye heard me right, a controller! No more pullin' on ropes and pushin' buttons, he be wantin' to just flick a switch and be on his way to plunder the seven seas.
But that ain't all me hearties, this landlubber also be wantin' himself a crew of merry men to help him navigate the treacherous waters. Aye, he be tired of sailin' alone and be needin' some trusty mates to watch his back as he be huntin' for buried treasure.
So off he sets on his quest, in search of a controller and a loyal crew, ready to face whatever challenges may come his way. And as he sails into the sunset, we can only hope that his dreams of easy bootin' and a hearty crew come true. For in the world of pirates, anything be possible with a bit of rum and a lot of determination!

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