The Booty Report

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Arrr! A fanciful tale o' swords ‘n sorcery sets sail on Kickstarter, plunderin' gold in mere hours! Avast, treasures galore!


Arrr, matey! “Fallen Tear: The Ascension” be sailin’ the seas of triumph like a ship on a fair wind! It be a treasure trove of success, makin’ more waves than a kraken in a bathtub! All hands on deck fer this jolly good show, I say!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be spillin' the beans on a treasure of a tale called "Fallen Tear: The Ascension." Aye, it be already shiverin' the timbers o’ success! Like a ship catchin' the wind with full sails, this fine yarn be zoomin' ‘round the seven seas, captivating the hearts of landlubbers and sea-dogs alike.

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