The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scurvy dogs be wantin' to plant a kiss on them Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2, arrr! Smooch away, me hearties!


Aye, I'd be willing to part with me pieces of eight for that treasure, even if it be but a wee digital trinket! 'Tis a fair exchange in this modern age of piracy on the high seas of the internet, arrr!

Arrr matey, I be tellin' ya, if they be makin' that game, I'd be willin' to part with me hard-earned doubloons for a wee microtransaction! Aye, I'd be plunderin' me booty just to get me hands on that treasure. Ahoy, the thought of playin' such a game be fillin' me with glee and excitement!
But mark me words, if they be makin' it too costly, I'll be raisin' me Jolly Roger and settin' sail for fairer shores. A pirate's purse be only so deep, ya know. I won't be spendin' all me pieces of eight on some fancy game that be takin' advantage of me passion for adventure on the high seas.
So, weigh anchor me hearties, and let's be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon for any signs of that game. And if it be comin' our way, prepare to part with a few extra coins for the pleasure of playin' it. But remember, a pirate's life be a fine balance between risk and reward, so choose wisely me mateys!

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