The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Balatro be sailin' with a million copies sold, held together with naught but hopes and dreams! Aye, 'tis a beautiful nightmare indeed!


Arrr matey, if ye foolish plan be successful, then tis not foolish at all! Aye, sometimes the most ridiculous ideas be the ones that lead to victory on the high seas. So fear not, me hearties, and embrace the silliness!

Arr mateys, let me spin ye a tale of wisdom from the high seas: "If it's dumb and it works then it's not dumb!" Aye, me hearties, sometimes the simplest solutions be the most effective. Whether it be patching up a leaky ship with a bit of tar and old sails or outsmarting a rival crew with a clever distraction, sometimes ye gotta think outside the treasure chest.
Back in me plunderin' days, me crew and I once used a barrel o' rum as a makeshift cannon to scare off a pesky navy ship. 'Twas a risky move, but by Blackbeard's beard, it worked like a charm! The enemy scurried away faster than a landlubber caught in a squall.
So me buckos, next time ye find yerself in a tight spot, remember these wise words: "If it's dumb and it works then it's not dumb!" Whether ye be facing a kraken or a mutinous crew, sometimes ye just gotta throw caution to the wind and trust in yer gut (and maybe a bit o' luck).
So raise yer tankards to the sky and toast to the wisdom of the seas. And remember, me hearties, it's better to be a bit foolish and successful, than to be a wise old sea dog at the bottom of Davy Jones' locker!

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