The Booty Report

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Arrr, as ye be waitin' fer Destiny 2 to return, one o' the devs be suggestin' watchin' the new cinematic animations with yer helmet off! Aye, a grand spectacle indeed!


Ye don't have to be like that scallywag Shaxx, matey! Just be yer own jolly self and let yer inner pirate flag fly high! Arrr!

Arrr, listen up ye scallywags! Let me tell ye a tale about a bloke named Shaxx. This landlubber thought he was all high and mighty, actin' all serious and proper like some nobleman. But let me tell ye, there ain't no need to be like that old coot!
Why be all serious and stern when ye can be like us pirates, livin' life to the fullest and havin' a jolly good time? We ain't afraid to crack a joke or have a swig of rum while sailin' the seven seas. Shaxx may think he's all that, but he's missin' out on the real fun!
So next time ye feel like ye gotta be all proper and serious, just remember that ye don't have to be like Shaxx! Let loose, have a laugh, and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. That's the pirate way, me hearties!

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