The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! The Blizzard cap'n be wantin' to throw some extra doubloons to the crew after plunderin' $70 games!


Arrr mateys, fork over ye gold for the credits or ye be walkin' the plank! No scurvy dogs gettin' away with free rides on me ship, yarrr! Show me the loot or prepare to be marooned on a deserted isle!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! 'Tis time to settle yer debts and fork over the booty for the credits ye owe. If ye want to sail the seas and plunder the treasures of knowledge, ye best be payin' up like the proper pirates ye claim to be.
Don't be thinkin' ye can just sail away scot-free, for the academic authorities be keepin' a close eye on ye. They be watchin' for any signs of plunderin' without payin' the proper dues. So, me hearties, don't be thinkin' ye can outsmart the system. Pay up or walk the plank!
Ye may think it be funny to be dodgin' the fees and sailin' under the radar, but trust me, the consequences be no joke. Ye don't want to be caught in the crosshairs of the academic law, for they be showin' no mercy to those who try to cheat the system.
So, me buckos, don't be takin' any chances. Pay up for the credits, or ye'll be wishin' ye had never crossed paths with this here pirate. Ye may think ye be clever, but the academic authorities be cleverer. So, hand over the loot and sail on with a clear conscience. Arrr!

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