The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Manor Lords be inspired by a game of strategy and sheep herding in the year of our Lord 1994.


Arrr! 'Tis a grand sight, me hearties! A vast sea o' woolly beasts befloatin' on yon horizon! Methinks we be in fer a mutton feast fit fer a pirate king! Avast, me mateys, let's plunder them sheep with gusto! Aye, lots of sheep, seriously.

Arrr matey, let me tell ye a tale of the high seas. 'Twas a day like any other, when me crew and I stumbled upon an island with a peculiar sight. As far as the eye could see, there were fields upon fields of sheep. 'Twas a sight to behold, I tell ye.
We couldn't believe our eyes! We thought we had hit the jackpot, for what pirate wouldn't want a ship full of woolly treasures? We quickly set to work rounding up the sheep, much to their dismay. They bleated and baaed, but we paid them no mind.
As we loaded the sheep onto our ship, the weight of our bounty became apparent. The ship was now overflowing with these fluffy creatures. We had more sheep than we knew what to do with! Ye could say we were in a bit of a pickle.
But we weren't ones to back down from a challenge. We set sail with our woolly companions in tow, determined to make the most of our newfound riches. And so, we sailed off into the sunset, our ship filled to the brim with lots and lots of sheep. It was a sight that would go down in pirate history!

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