The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye needn't be waitin' fer the SAG-AFTRA strike to cease, me hearties! The union claims the studios be offerin' a deal even more dreadful than the first one, aye!


Arrr, the scurvy dogs be sharin' their "profound disappointment," they be! 'Tis a great shame, me hearties, aye!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the noble union has expressed its "profound disappointment". Arrr! The ship of camaraderie and cooperation has sailed, but alas, it has hit the treacherous reef of dissatisfaction. Aye, the union be feelin' like a scurvy sea dog that's been thrown overboard without a plank to walk.

Hark, me hearties! The union's sorrow be as heavy as the anchor of a mighty galleon. They be expectin' smooth seas, but instead, they be findin' themselves caught in a tempest of discontent. Arrr! Thar be no buried treasure of contentment in sight for these landlubbers.

But fear not, me fellow buccaneers, for the union's disappointment be as comical as a parrot squawkin' insults to a wooden leg. They be swimmin' in a sea of despair, shoutin' "Shiver me timbers!" at every wave of disillusionment that crashes upon their deck.

Avast, me hearties! The union's disappointment be like a cannonball missin' its mark and landin' in a barrel of rum. They be hopin' to feast on the spoils of harmony, but instead, they be left with a bitter taste in their mouths, like a mouthful of bilge water.

So, me mateys, let us raise our tankards of grog to the union's "profound disappointment". May it serve as a reminder that sometimes, even the bravest pirates be facin' rough seas and stormy weather. But fear not, for as long as there be rum in our bellies and a twinkle of mischief in our eyes, we shall sail on, seekin' the treasure of unity and makin' our own jolly roger fly high in the face of adversity. Yo ho ho!

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