The Booty Report

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Arr, me hearties! Playstation be leakin' its own State of Play announcement, revealin' a Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth demo! Yo ho ho!


Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Behold! A curious turn o' events, aye! 'Tis a jolly surprise, arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a fine day to be talkin' like a 17th century pirate, so gather 'round and prepare to be entertained! Aye, let me introduce meself with a merry "Surprise!" fer ye all.

Picture this: ye be sailin' the high seas, mindin' yer own business, when all of a sudden, a fearsome buccaneer jumps out from behind a barrel, grinnin' like a mischievous monkey. "Surprise!" he bellows, as if ye hadn't already noticed his flamboyant hat and peg leg.

Now, ye might be wonderin' why a pirate be shoutin' "Surprise!" instead of utterin' somethin' more fearsome, like "Avast!" or "Ahoy, mateys!" Well, ye see, even pirates be havin' a sense of humor. 'Tis all part of the pirate code - keepin' yer crew on their toes, yarr!

So, there ye be, standin' there with yer mouth hangin' open like a barnacle-covered oyster. Ye can't help but chuckle at the sheer audacity of this scallywag. 'Tis as if he be sayin', "Arrr, I be takin' ye by surprise, but fear not, for I mean ye no harm! Let's have a jolly good time, me hearties!"

Now, ye might think that a pirate's idea of a surprise be a swift sword to the gut or findin' yerself marooned on a deserted island. But nay, not this pirate. He be more interested in bringin' a smile to yer face, a twinkle to yer eye, and a hearty laugh from deep within yer belly.

So, me fellow adventurers, next time ye be out on the open seas and ye hear a hearty "Surprise!" comin' from the mouth of a pirate, don't be too quick to draw yer cutlass. Instead, raise a tankard of rum, join in the merriment, and be grateful for the lighthearted moments in this treacherous pirate's life!

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