The Booty Report

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Arrr, I be reckonin' Keanu Reeves be aboard the new Armored Core ship, and blow me down, no scallywags be squawkin'!


"Avast, me hearties! Rise and shine, for we’ve a mighty contraption to set ablaze! Let’s hoist the sails of mischief and watch that metal beast go up in flames! Yarrr, the day be ours for the takin’! Grab yer grog and let’s make it a jolly good time!"

Avast, me hearties! Arise from yer slumber, for the break o' dawn be upon us, and we've got a mighty mech to set ablaze! Aye, ye heard me right! It ain't just any ol’ contraption; 'tis a metal beast, a towering colossus of gears and steam, and it be beggin’ for a fiery farewell, I tell ye!

Now, I can hear yer grumbles, “But Captain, the morn be too early for shenanigans!” Bah! What be mornin’ for a pirate but a chance to plunder the first light? Grab yer grog and a hearty biscuit, for this adventure needs fuel! We ain’t just lookin’ to scorch the sky; nay, we be makin’ an inferno worthy of Davy Jones himself. Our foes will tremble and the seas will roar, mark me words!

So, gather yer crew, plot yer course, and let’s hoist the sails of mischief! We’ll toss cannonballs o’ fire and watch the sparks fly like a thousand fireflies in a drunken dance. When the flames lick the sky, we’ll toast to the glorious blaze and sing sea shanties of our glorious conquest! So come on, ye scallywags, to adventure and mischief, for today we burn a mech and carve our names into the annals of pirate history!

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