The Booty Report

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Avast ye! Star Wars Outlaws be settin' sail soon, a grand adventure in a galaxy far, far away, matey! Arrr!


Arrr matey! Behold, the moment when the treasures of Star Wars Outlaws shall be unleashed upon yer shores! Mark yer calendars, for when the moon rises and the stars align, ye’ll be settin’ sail into a galaxy far, far away! Avast, ready yer blasters!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, for I be spillin' the beans 'bout the grand unlockin' of that swashbucklin’ adventure known as *Star Wars Outlaws*! Aye, no need to walk the plank in confusion; I’ve got yer back with the timin’ o’ this here treasure chest o’ fun!

Now, cast yer eyes to the horizon, fer the game be settin' sail on the 29th day of the month of March, in this year of our lord, 2024. Depending on where ye be hoistin' yer sails, the unlockin' times be varyin' like the tides! In the salty waters of the East, ye can dive in at the stroke of midnight. But if ye be loungin' on the West Coast, ye'll have to wait until the sun be risin’ high at 9 AM! Aye, this be a travesty fit to make a grown pirate cry!

Fear not, ye scallywags, for no matter where ye be, once that clock strikes the right hour, ye shall unleash the chaos and hijinks of the galaxy far, far away! So, mark yer maps and set yer compasses, fer adventure awaits! Prepare yer blasters and tighten yer eyepatches; the galaxy's finest mischief be callin’ yer name! Yarrr!

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